Open Council Program
MSP’s Open Council Program is offered to a select set of early and growth stage technology companies. Each quarter you meet with our team of operating executives to discuss the inflection points you face, at no cost.
This is our chance to give back by helping the kind of leaders in whose shoes we’ve walked. But it’s your chance to tap fresh perspective and experience from a team of C-level executives that represent each business discipline: Technology, Finance, Marketing, Sales, Customer Success, Professional Services, Product Management, Legal & IP, COO, CEO, Chairman.
All sessions are one-hour, closed-door virtual meetings between you and our team. Topics are at your discretion, including any problem, pressure, pivot, or opportunity that needs concerted attention.
During an initial 1-hour session we ask that you introduce your company, current objectives & plans, and the key issues being faced. Discussion follows with insights and advice offered by our team. (We ask that you provide basic background on the company and issues you would like to address in advance so our team can acquaint themselves prior to the call and thus make better use of our time together.)
During subsequent 1-hour quarterly sessions we further the discussion, keeping it relevant to evolving challenges. Sometimes interim calls may be scheduled with select members of our team for more focused advisory.
1st Session Agenda
Introductions (5 min)
Introduce your company, current objectives & plans, and the key issues being faced (15 min)
Roundtable discussion (30 min)
Summarize key insights and advice (10 min)
Ongoing Quarterly Session Agenda
Outline current issues to address (5 min)
Focused discussion on one or more issues (45 min)
Summarize key insights and advice (10 min)
Recording of sessions can be provided.
Join Us
The Open Council Program is a chance to gain experienced perspective on your most challenging issues with no strings attached. A limited number of program slots are available.
Please contact Managing Partner Ken Marshall for more details and to apply.
We hope that these sessions will spawn solutions that help you turn an Inflection Point into a Breakthrough.

Contact us
Your message sent directly to Managing Partner Ken Marshall